Is often something business owners feel they MUST have before attending a networking meeting when actually, this could not be further from the truth.

Meet Marianne: Marianne started visiting The Ribbons Network online a few months ago, after leaving a long life in corporate marketing and starting her own marketing agency for small business owners. Before starting her networking journey with us, she was nervous, did not know what to expect or how to use networking for her business.


She THOUGHT she’d have to come in and sell what she does, which made her nervous and uncomfortable.
She REALISED quickly that at The Ribbons Network you work on building relationships, which for Marianne, just simply involved being herself and talking to people… she quickly found a love for networking.


This photo shows Marianne standing in front of a room full of people, sharing her business with confidence and ease, where a few months ago, Marianne would have found this incredibly daunting.
We know Marianne is not the only person to feel like this about networking and she certainly won’t be the last. If you feel like Marianne when it comes to trying out a meeting, just do it, you will be surprised at how much you love it.